An area of expertise in which we particularly specialise is in respect of works to historic buildings. With much of our built heritage either listed or within a conservation area, it is important to ensure that proposals to alter or extend historic buildings are dealt with sensitively, and with a sound knowledge of conservation guidance and philosophy.
The starting point for any proposal to alter an historic, and particularly a listed, building is to undertake an appraisal of the existing built fabric. This analysis can provide an insight into the buildings original form, and just as important, how it has been altered and incrementally added to over generations. In many cases such a report will be required to accompany an application to alter a listed building, and we are happy to provide this service to owners of listed buildings, and those working with them on projects to alter or extend them.
We can also provide a comprehensive package to those wishing to alter a historic building, advising on what form of change is likely to be acceptable to conservation officials, and introducing the architectural expertise to provide the necessary designs.
Government advice is that the best way to maintain a listed building is to keep it in active use, and that historic buildings should not necessarily be preserved untouched, but allowed to change over the years - so adding a new layer of history. This is our philosophy.